"Well, everyone knows that baby goats are called 'kids' - so if that poor, sweet, largely misunderstood and saintly Thelma was 'kidding', as that quite illustrative Mayor so indelicately puts it, then doesn't that mean that she has to be a dadburn goat?" screeched Elma Festoon, an area farm wife who lives 7 miles outside of Lamont. "He called her a doggone barn animal! I told you that he was a no-good Mayor!" she raved to anyone who would listen. (ironically, the attentive group that was 'all ears' tended to be the same overactive group of gossips and trouble-makers who all live outside the Town (with a few exceptions, unfortunately!) and who all tend to have weak or absentee husbands (the female gossips, anyway!) who, by definition, have shunned their biblical role as 'man of the house', thus allowing these select individuals to 'stir the Devil's caldron' on a more than regular basis with no matrimonial reproof of any kind.) (And remember, when one dines with the devil, it is a good idea to bring a very long spoon - or so the German expression goes!)
"Well, this is the last straw! The Lamont government has to fall now, for sure!" said the suddenly gleeful Bertha Bodine (with the first genuine (although cadaver-like!) smile in over 20 years!), an area farm wife/busy body who lives closer to St. John but claims Lamont for some darn reason. (Oh yeah, life is fair!) "Sure, we have no legal, moral, ethical and/or voter claim against that doggone duly elected Lamont government, but if we did not spend all of our time trying to tear down that annoyingly successful group over there, then how, in fact, would we be able to wile away our largely meaningless, mean-spirited and futile lives, anyway? And besides, they are cleaning up and building and making things look so nice, it just makes the so-called 'ruling elite' around here look bad for sitting by and doing nothing for 5+ decades while the Town declined and decayed! That just ain't right to let this go on, given that we cannot take all the credit for the improvements and all! That Mayor must be stopped, especially since he called that poor, sweet, generous Thelma "a stinky old goat that ain't worth a pitchfork full of rotten hay" ranted Bertha insanely. (Oh, how the story evolves with the telling!)
(Editorial Note: By the way, where are all the husbands of these women, anyway? (and the wives of the few male rabble-rousers?") Are they glad that their 'significant others' have something outside of their homes (and ranches) to focus their venom upon, thus drawing that poison farther away from themselves? (who could blame them?) It is time to step up, people! Reclaim your lives and your husbands/wives and do everyone a favor and keep your problems at home where they belong! Thank you!!)
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