"Well, I was on the phone talking to my sister about my new bunions when, out of the blue, this big fancy space craft looking thing just dropped out of the sky!" said Erma Snopes, 56, the Town's premier non-stop talker. "Well, those quacks that pass for doctors on this planet certainly don't have all the answers, so I marched right up to the first creature to come down the stairs and shoved my foot in what I think was his face and began to ask him what he could do about my nagging bunion problem. So, after explaining to him that I had those dadburn bunions because I went to my niece's wedding in new shoes, although she should have thought about getting married before she had 2 children by that stupid man (with one on the way!) and how I could not believe that they served a carrot cake at a wedding even though they did actually brew coffee instead of just providing instant like is much more common at weddings in the Palouse and how I will never serve my husband beans and ham again before a social gathering because of that unfortunate commotion he caused when they were trying to say their vows - when that obviously insensitive alien or whatever that was just shook that big growth-looking thing that I guess passes for a head and slithered back into the doggone space craft with startling speed given his enormous size! You would think if they flew all this way to see us he would at least have given me a salve or lotion or something for my doggone bunions! (or used a laser or death ray or whatever!) Talk about a wasted trip! And what about my feet?" she fumed.
"Well, I was outside letting my goat Nellie feast on those fancy flowers that Mrs. Bodine has growing on the side of her house when some big shiny thing landed right in the park!" said Gomer Festoon, 62, an area farmer/rancher. "After determining that it was not the Sheriff or some other law enforcement agency coming after me and my goat for some trumped up and totally bogus flower-related trespassing charges, we made our way over to see what the heck was going on. Anyway, this big gray/green thing comes ambling up to me and I stuck my hand out to shake hands which seemed to confuse him somehow and after a really awkward interlude I then went to pull out my chewing tobacco to offer him some (a universal peace gesture!) when the doggone pouch slipped out of my hand and, much to my horror, the dadburn alien bent over to pick the dern thing up for me! Oh, it was horrible! That is one thing that you never do around my goat Nellie - bend over, that is. Before I knew what had happened, that doggone goat had head-butted that poor creature half way to Adams County! (Nellie was indeed in rare form that day!) I mean, that alien abomination was weird looking and all, but the one part of him that was anatomically correct was his dadburn buttocks - so I can't hardly blame Nellie none! That's just what he does, for Pete's sake - and the alien did bend over and all! Anyway, next thing I knew they all just hastily piled back into that spacecraft of theirs and disappeared into the sky - without so much as a goodbye or 'Oh, never mind'. It was all very rude! And we ain't heard nothing from them since, neither!" he said smugly while leading Nellie over to the Snopes place where their prize tulips are finally in bloom.
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