“Well, I came by to check on him to see how the eye was and I was shocked by the transformation” said a local pastor. “He kept saying something about putting a broadside into my rigging and how rogues don’t need no fancy church talk. And I won’t even mention all of the holes he dug in the back yard while reading some worn, dirty piece of paper written in what he said was ‘land-lubber blood’. So I just said a quick prayer with his wife before he could pin me to the yardarm with Black Beard’s cutlass or send me to visit Davy Jones’ Locker” said the concerned pastor who enjoys reading a good Western and, of course, the Bible.
“Anyway, we go back to the doctor on Tuesday to get the patch off – and I sure hope I can keep him from making the poor dog walk the plank until then” said the sweet wife. “I just wish he had watched “Fantasy Island‘ and not ‘Treasure Island’ on TV that day. He could have been Mr. Roarke or Tattoo. That would’ve been so much easier” she said.
1 comment:
Scratched his eyeball on a hailstorm? That makes him a finalist on "Lamont's Got Talent!" I sense a hug from Jerry Springer coming on!
But seriously, was the incident preceded by the interjection, "What the hail's going on out there?" Or maybe he was doing a "Hail Mary" and got carried away.
It all makes sense, really. It's Halloween time, people give out Jolly Roger candy on Halloween, pirates hoist the Jolly Roger, Dave is a pirate now. Yes, I can see how it all fits.
The problem will be getting the patch removed. It comes off Tuesday, which is election day, the day we celebrate politicians. He might get some crazy notion to run for town council. Oh wait, he did that already. Ok, never mind.
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