"Good gravy, man!!! We are one of the smallest towns in the continental United States but Century West Engineering treats us like we are really something special!" stammered the red-faced mayor with hardly disguised glee. "That great core team over there, including the omnipresent "Renaissance Man" Dennis Fuller and that amazingly subdued yet shockingly effective Bryan Hicks (you always have to watch out for the quiet ones!), just keep plugging away on our behalf - year after year... (and let's don't forget about that 'parrot-loving', highly efficient 'dynamo' Erika!)" he gushed. "I mean come on! Most engineering firms would have 'called it good' after getting Lamont that big water grant, and certainly would have eased back some after paving about 1/2 the town last year - but those 'Engineering Energizer Bunnies" at Century West just keep slogging away on our behalf - regardless of how dazed and confused we appear at all the modern conveniences they bring our way!" he effused... "In the last 5 years, Century West has almost single-handedly rebuilt this town's infrastructure from the ground up. We used to be known as 'that town with no houseplants' - because our drinking water was so bad - but now we have some of the best water in the State. And every summer our town looked like a mini 'Depression-era Kansas dust-bowl' when all we had were gravel roads (the fine folks at the TIB and Greg Partch are still at the pinnacle of the "Lamont Hall of Fame) - and now our 50+ year-old community building (with no bathroom!) is in the early planning stages of being torn down and replaced! (we hope!) Yikes... When will this madness stop?" he stammered, feverishly trying to figure out a 'less-than-obvious' way to somehow take all the credit for this wonderful work done by others, mainly Bryan Hicks, so that false praise and undeserved accolades will fall on him like so many flowers in a victory parade or something!
This wonderful planning grant will allow the Town to bring in professional architectural (and other yet unknown!) talent to develop a proposal to revamp the very way public services are supplied in the Town. Lamont, which currently does not have a library, will use these precious monies to successfully integrate new library facilities, a Town-sponsored sheriff's workspace, community meeting/training facilities and fire department resources into a cost effective and workable package that will serve the entire town and the surrounding area for the next 50+ years. And on top of all that, the Town of Lamont, for the first time, (if subsequent financing is received!) will have actual running water and restroom facilities in the public buildings of the Town. "Bathrooms, too??? Oh, you have got to be kidding me!!!" shouted the Mayor while reeling from the possibilities. "You mean we will be able to go to work for the Town AND use the restroom??? I must be dreaming!!!" he stammered... "I guess we will be able to drink coffee again - now that we won't have to leave the office and venture all the way across town every 15 minutes!!! Oh, will the wonders of Century West Engineering and the Department of Commerce (and CDBG) never cease???" (Note: Although almost unbelievable, the Lamont Town Hall does not now nor have they ever had a bathroom or running water. (What were our previous Town leaders thinking, for Pete's sake? I mean come on! What a 'no-brainer'! See what we have to overcome! Its mind-boggling!) With this new situation, should all the pieces fall together, we will have a handicapped-friendly work environment with all the modern facilities. That one addition (a bathroom), in and of itself, will do more to make the "Lamont experience" all the more enjoyable than any single thing we can imagine!)
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