"Well, it goes without saying that we are happy for her, I guess" said the Mayor while dejectedly kicking his toe in the dirt. "We have known for some time that Kynda was something special, and I guess everyone else knows that now, too" he pouted. "I mean, Lamont has so few really fantastic things that it can call its own - and I guess we just cherished our professional working relationship with her all the more because she was 'our little secret'. Now the whole dern county knows about her!" he fumed. "I know it seems small-minded and petty to want something just to ourselves - you know - something that we can hold up as being ours alone, (which is stunningly irrational in and of itself given that she works for other towns and that is how we met her in the first place!), but doggone it, it just hurts somehow" he sniffed. "It is like our special little bird (insert mental image of above referenced 'little bird'!) is flying from our humble little nest! We are happy and proud to see her soar in the heavens and all, but she will never be just 'our little secret' again!" he blathered melodramatically, while shaking his fist in the general direction of Colfax. "The whole darn county is in on the act now! I guess this was always destined to happen, but somehow that does not ease the sense of loss any!" he sniveled. "Why can't Lamont have just one good thing (besides our drinking water and great new roads, courtesy of the USDA-RD, CDBG, TIB, and Century West Engineering!) that is ours and ours alone?" he groused pathetically. "But at least we can pat ourselves on the back for our professional associations! No one can take that away from us, doggone it!" he whined optimistically!
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