"Well, let's just say that my daddy is not only a man of few words, but he also don't go around wasting all his time and energy on making useless facial expressions to make himself seem all friendly and normal and human and all of that nonsense" said Festus Snopes, Elmer's oldest son. (not to be confused with 'Fester Snopes', purportedly a cousin in ways that the Law doesn't allow!) Let's just say that you never want to play poker against the man! He's dern near impossible to read! It's eerie! He just stares at you with those beady little eyes and you never know if he is bluffing or if he has all four aces! If he was ever able to actually learn the rules of poker, that man would have been a phenomenon. I guess it is a good thing that he ain't that smart!" concluded the chip off the old block.
"Well, needless to say it is hard to pick out Christmas presents for my daddy" said Ida Lou Snopes Bodine, 56, the patriarch's somewhat high strung and excitable daughter. "My whole life I have tried in vain to please that man, but regardless of what I got him and no matter how much it cost, when he got done pulling off the Christmas paper, he would just look up at me with those droopy, sunken eyes and I never could tell if he really liked it or not! Sure, he would mumble a few words of thanks or whatever, but don't all disappointed fathers do that? Oh, for the last 50 years I have been reduced to uncontrollable tears on each and every Christmas morning! I hate Christmas! I hate my life! Why doesn't he love me? Why can't I be a good daughter to him, unlike that hellion she-cat sister of mine! Oh, just leave me alone now! Leave me to my torment!" sobbed the insane daughter/drama queen! (Editorial Note: Why can't she be the one in the family with no outward signs of emotion? Oh yeah, life is fair!)
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