"Oh, that is just great!" bemoaned the besieged Mayor. "Here we are trying to organize a fun, family event and now we have some doggone voodoo nut job in the park placing curses on everyone in the whole dern world! I mean, why do I have to be the Mayor of a town that even has a witch doctor? I bet Cheney and Tekoa don't have witch doctors! (He is not so sure about those rival small towns in Lincoln and Adams Counties, however! Who can tell what those doggone rascals are up to from minute to minute!) Oh yeah, life is fair! We have 100 dadburn people and of course we have a witch doctor in the group! That's just peachy!" he cried with that all too familiar tone of self-pity and angst! "And where did he get that lame costume and phony hair? Oh, that is just so wrong! And what self-respecting witch doctor wears cheap, well-worn cowboy boots that appear to be covered in one of those unfortunate cow byproducts that make living in the Palouse so special? That ain't no dadburn witch doctor - that's just one of those doggone farmer/ranchers trying to scare up some visitors for the festival!" said the super-sleuth detective, finally stumbling on the obvious! "Dang it, man! We don't need no hocus-pocus or pagan tomfoolery to have a successful festival - not when we will have so many varied food vendors, raffles, entertainment, live music and a parade! Oh, when will Lamont put aside their primitive myths and mores and embrace the fact that we really aren't that bad of a town, after all?" he pleaded hopelessly. 'Success or failure of the festival is in the Hands of the Good Lord - and all the bad acting and poorly applied makeup in the world won't change the outcome one jot or tittle! And someone needs to tell him to quit tracking all of that manure into the park! Can't a man wipe his feet off from time to time, for Pete's sake?" he said exasperatedly while watching his step as he stormed off back to the office.
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