"Anyway, Tangi seems to love nothing more than driving thru Lamont (a town just slightly bigger than his cage at home!) on those fantastic new roads they just got and stopping for a refreshing drink of some of the best water in the State, (both excellent additions brought to the Town by Century West Engineering, those rascals!) but ever since he heard that Lamont was sprucing up the place for their big festival, he has been bugging me non-stop to drive him out there to see what the heck is really going on!" said the over-indulgent aviary expert with an exasperated sigh. "So, needless to say, he was more than a little excited about the new painting project for the fire station and he began puffing up a little as we slowly drove past, but when we toured the new parking lot over by the Community Center (that used to be a notorious weed field!), that was obviously the straw that broke the chicken's back, because he just spazzed out and has been stuck that way for several hours. I hate to say "I told him so", but I did, in fact, tell him so!! I guess that 'old wives tale' is true, after all! I am pretty sure as we drive back home that his totally understandable awe and amazement will begin to fade and he will return to normal - not that that doggone bird was ever very normal in the first place, that is" she said peevishly. "Next time I will just have to be a little more careful about what I show him in Lamont. I guess even parrots have their limits when it comes to positive change - as does an amazingly vocal segment of the citizenry, or so I have heard, anyway - but one never knows what to believe!" she said sagely - having learned from her parrots that simply repeating things is not always a good thing to do.
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